Purchase / collection of age-restricted items

On occasion you may be asked to purchase items on the customer’s behalf. We wanted to remind you that it is against the law to purchase and hand over any age-restricted items to another person without ensuring they are of the required age.

Please remember that it is your responsibility to check the legal age of the customer.

What products are age-restricted?

Below is a table of common age-restricted products. However, please refer to the full official UK government guidelines if you are not sure whether a particular product is age-restricted.

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How do I check for age-restricted products on my booking?

If a customer placed the order with a delivery / collection request, there should be a list of items in the comments. If there is nothing in the comments section or not enough information — please contact the customer support team.

If there are several items to collect / purchase, please ensure you are carefully checking the order receipt for any age-restricted items, and feel free to confirm this with the shop / the business you are obtaining the item (s) from.

How do I ensure the recipient is over the required age?

If you are delivering age-restricted items, you must physically see the recipient. Please ensure, however, that you are observing social distancing when you do this.

If you feel the recipient may be underage, you must check their ID to confirm their age and act in line with the UK’s Challenge-25 guidelines. To confirm the age, you must ensure:

  • The photograph on the document is a clear match to the customer offering the ID.

  • The document is still valid, and is not expired.

  • Accepted forms of ID are:

  • Current, valid passports or international travel cards/ID with a clear photo and date of birth shown. The document can be provided by all nationalities.

  • Current, valid driving/provisional licences with a clear photo and date of birth shown. The document can be provided by all nationalities.

  • Military ID cards, with a clear photo and date of birth. UK only accepted.

  • ID cards with the hologram PASS logo, such as a Citizen’s, Connexions, Validate or Young Scot card. You can check here: www.pass-scheme.org.uk

What if the customer is underage and there is nobody over the required age who can take receipt of the item (s)?

If a customer fails the Challenge-25 check, you should not hand over any age-restricted items to the customer and contact the support team immediately. We will ensure that you are properly reimbursed.